搜索 马克·弗拉托

  • Meet the Antichrist. Hes been kidnapped by a group of women whove mistaken him for someone else, and now theyre about to find out exactly who theyre messing with. One by one the women become possessed by demonic forces and turn on each other. As the bodies begin to pile up, the girls fight for their lives and to save m…
  • 琳达·拉芙蕾丝的一生相当传奇,她出演的《深喉》是色情电影的经典之作,其突破性改写了色情电影的历史。而她本人的生活更具戏剧性,曾一度以卖淫为生,并吸食毒品,还被其丈夫逼迫拍摄三级片,在凭借《深喉》声名大噪之后仍然在其丈夫的淫威之下被虐待多年,直到和这一任丈夫离婚之后,才发现自己曾经的生活如此不堪,到了1980年代,更是成为反…